Rachael Ray Garbage Bowl

rachael ray garbage bowlThe rachael ray garbage bowl is an ingenious piece of cooking equipment helping to save you time and energy by constantly walking back and forth to your principle rubbish bin whenever you wish to throw pieces of food scraps into the trash.

Many users have reported the need for such a rachael ray garbage bowl however it is not just a bowl but a nice decorative piece which helps to brighten your kitchen area.

The garbage bowl can be washed in the dishwasher therefore cutting down on the manual washing up you need to do and most cookery fans love placing the great looking bowl upon their worktops. The rachael ray garbage bowl is constructed from strong and hard-wearing melamine which ensures that it does not retain any smells and once cleaned comes up just like new every time. The most popular design is reminiscent of the kitchens of the late 60’s with speckled designs.

Being an avid Rachael Ray fan I have bought one for myself and loved it so much that I also got another for my neighbour whom also loves the designs and flexibility of Rachael Ray cookware. Many people make use of two rachael ray garbage bowls by placing moist trash into the bowl which would normally be destined for the compost bin and the other for drier food debris.

The use of the rachael ray garbage bowl became famous when she made use of the kitchen implement on one of her television cookery shows. Following watching this episode which featured a roasted chicken recipe I immediately ran out and purchased two right away. Many people have pointed out that the rachael ray garbage bowl is simply a bowl to carry out to the garbage bin and you would be right; the point is it is a nice decorative rubbish bowl first and foremost with an added bonus that it can be used to save your trips to the regular bin whenever creating a culinary masterpiece in the kitchen.

Rachel Ray Cookware

Sure, a steel or plastic bowl would equally do the job but it just doesn’t look quite the same as a beautiful decorative kitchen bowl on your worktop. The time savings from not having to run to the trash every 5 minutes help to ensure your cooking goes to schedule as well. You can simply leave the emptying of the garbage to the end of your mealtime when it is time to clean the dishes.

I personally really like the height and depth of the rachael ray garbage bowl given you are able to fit in a lot of trash into it before it begins to overflow. As a consequence, the rachael ray garbage bowl is much deeper than traditional plastic mixing bowls which some people have used in its place but it does not look as attractive.

Posted on July 8, 2011, in Kitchen Related, Rachel Ray Cookware and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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